Mother has been asking me this question since my children were born. You know, the first smile, the first step, talent show, play, concert. The answer is partly yes and partly I'll remember.
Well, she's at it again. This time my answer is partly I'll remember and partly does anyone really care? This new generation blog thing is still new to me. It almost seems a bit pretentious to think someone wants to read what I did today or thought about it. Then there is the long thought process that needs to pare down. I think that my children's generation is very keen on the short message, be it on a blog or on a cell phone, mine, me, not so good. If I have to recall someone to finish my message maybe I should just wait for them to call back!
But today is an anniversary of sorts. The first night Tony and I officially moved into "The Uncles". There were months prior of sorting and cleaning and planning and cleaning, that went on with the hands of many, but on June 24th 2006 we toasted to our future on the front porch. Looking out into the dark night yet seeing very clearly.
So Mom the answer is no. I haven't been writing it all down. Parts yes, memories yes, and I'm sure there will be many 'fill in the blanks' after the fact.
Perhaps a short story, a list, a word.
It will all add up to a dream. A dream Mother says people wait their whole life for. To leave suburbia and buy some sheep. To learn the process of becoming sustainable and never forgetting the importance of being hospitable.
That is what I want learn. To share. To remember.
Happy Anniversary Tony aka The Family Gardener
Farmer Rosie