Sunday, March 30, 2008

I am dumber than sheep!

This came from the mouth of a man whose Mother and Grandfather roamed the hillsides of Bowler Flats, Montana with their herds of sheep. A generational sheep herder. Wow, not many of those living in these parts, Southworth, WA that is.
So after today we wonder who is turning in their graves, Grandpa Miller or Uncle Leonard!
Of course we had to try again and let the animals graze in their new paddock, and we had to see how Paquito got out. Well he got out quickly and quite easily by stepping right OVER the 3ft. plastic. Once back into safety Tony went back to shoveling rocks we love to do that here when I recieved a phone call I was in the house from Tony. "3 sheep are out. HELP" Laughing on the way out I grabbed a bowl of sheep candy and jingled my way down the hill toward 3 very happy sheep and one husband running around laughing at the situation. We saw the fourth join us by walking right UNDER the plastic! As we led the sheep back up the hill Tony said " I am dumber than sheep, blog that one."
As we tore down our campsite barrier we decided to spend some $ and put up some metal posts and wire fence. It will look better and be much more secure. Sorry to those of you planning to advertise, we'll come up with something else I promise.
At least post pounding today was done in the sunshine and together. The animals stood at the fence watching all day just waiting for us to finish.

Another lesson learned.

I wonder if it's really true what my Mom said last year. "Cinthy, people wait their whole lives to leave suburbia and buy some sheep.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!